
Full Version: Spawn Shop's Average Cost of Items
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Dear Sweet Baby Jesus I Must Hate Myself...

I know a few people always asked what items usually go for. Here it is.

Item Name Averages
1 Blaze Rod 37.50
1 Bookshelf 5.00
1 Bow 3.00
1 Brewing Stand 80.00
1 Diamond 91.25
1 Diamond Block 900.00
1 Diamond Ore 207.50
1 Diamond Sword 115.00
1 Enchantment Table 250.00
1 Ender Pearl 15.00
1 Eye of Ender 50.00
1 Furnace 1.00
1 Gold Block 20.00
1 Golden Apple 15.00
1 Grass 50.00
1 Inc Sac 15.00
1 Iron Block 20.00
1 Jack-o-Lantern 10.00
1 Melon Block 10.00
1 Minecart 20.00
1 Mob Spawner 500.00
1 Mycel 36.67
1 Pumpkin 3.33
1 Redstone Ore 5.00
1 Saddle 45.00
1 Slimeball 3.33
1 Speckled Melon 5.00
1 Spider Eye 5.00
1 Sulphur 3.15
16 Egg 93.33
16 Sapling 41.00
32 Ice 320.00
64 Apple 147.20
64 Arrow 46.75
64 Bone 45.92
64 Book 177.77
64 Bread 110.20
64 Brick 96.00
64 Clay Ball 64.00
64 Coal 67.00
64 Cobblestone 12.17
64 Cooked Beef 92.57
64 Dirt 11.50
64 Ender Stone 101.75
64 Flint 38.40
64 Glass 112.00
64 Glass Bottle 192.00
64 Glowstone 192.00
64 Gold Ingot 358.09
64 Gold Nugget 216.89
64 Gravel 1.00
64 Iron Ingot 268.00
64 Lapis Block 1,600.00
64 Lapis Lazuli 79.40
64 Leather 62.40
64 Log 149.33
64 Melon 75.20
64 Melon Seeds 190.50
64 Nether Stalk 102.00
64 Netherbrick 106.67
64 Netherrack 32.00
64 Obsidian 128.00
64 Pumpkin Seeds 266.65
64 Redstone 64.80
64 Rotten Flesh 12.33
64 Sand 53.33
64 Sandstone 128.00
64 Seeds 26.25
64 Snow Block 48.00
64 Soul Sand 192.00
64 Stone 34.67
64 Stone Brick 36.00
64 String 21.30
64 Sugar 10.00
64 Sugar Cane 40.00
64 Wheat 21.30
64 Wood(Planks) 40.00
64 Wool 82.00
Records 50.00

<edit> When I hate myself some more, i will make it look nicer </edit>
extremely necessary thx!!!!!
+1 for wasting your life on this Smile
This is great thank-

+1 one for writeing all this down -1 one for being stupid enuff to waster you life on writeing this down well look at that you back down to ZERO from me Smile
[Image: s2czyv.jpg]
(04-05-2012, 01:37 AM)ragequiter64 Wrote: [ -> ]+1 one for writeing all this down -1 one for being stupid enuff to waster you life on writeing this down well look at that you back down to ZERO from me Smile

I do database work for a job. This aint that hard. Just took time running around. Plus i believe you were the one running around today going, im ragequiter and im bored.

(04-05-2012, 02:45 AM)britonk Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-05-2012, 01:37 AM)ragequiter64 Wrote: [ -> ]+1 one for writeing all this down -1 one for being stupid enuff to waster you life on writeing this down well look at that you back down to ZERO from me Smile

I do database work for a job. This aint that hard. Just took time running around. Plus i believe you were the one running around today going, im ragequiter and im bored.


He and Octopus are the village idiots and occasionally they try acting mature and they come off as douches.
So true..
[Image: msdcmf.jpg]