Forty Two floors of awesomeness.
10 gil a night, 300 gil a month, 500 gil FOREVER!
Comes with 5 (hard to get) brewing stands, 20 furnaces, a bed, 2 double chests, and a workbench.
Made by Jar and I.
Your hotel seems to have a spontaneous explosion problem.
That...shouldn't be happening...again..
Jarvis sure is a arsehole.
also, i must have the top floor of this hotel.
I have a friend who needs shelter
(04-11-2012, 02:03 PM)Arnor06 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a friend who needs shelter
(04-11-2012, 12:25 PM)Chazdude42 Wrote: [ -> ]*an
also, i must have the top floor of this hotel.
5 people so far have asked for it. If you can find a way to kick out LiMiT7, then I'll have an auction for it.
can i have the second fllor from the top dibs on it if it has not been taken yet
(04-12-2012, 02:10 AM)ragequiter64 Wrote: [ -> ]can i have the second fllor from the top dibs on it if it has not been taken yet
Actually, it hasn't been taken surprisingly.
Meet me ingame and lets do et.
(04-11-2012, 09:59 AM)PureCraft Wrote: [ -> ]Jarvis sure is a arsehole.
(04-11-2012, 04:43 PM)Blake Wrote: [ -> ] (04-11-2012, 12:25 PM)Chazdude42 Wrote: [ -> ]*an
also, i must have the top floor of this hotel.
5 people so far have asked for it. If you can find a way to kick out LiMiT7, then I'll have an auction for it.
I could WE his room down a couple floors xD
Kinda sucks that I cant have the 42nd floor, seeing as i am Chazdude42...