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All of those would definitely help improve Chaos in my opinion. I especially like the idea of races.
I am liking "Clans" and "SimpleClans." I think they both involve what we are looking for. "Kingdoms" might also be useful. The only issue is that "Clans" is not updated which may or may not work with the current version. We definitely need one of these plugins because they have rank options (that is if we stick with the idea of ranks within factions).

EDIT: May fix our issue with having homes for different races. May need to jack with the permissions a bit though.

Also an option: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/uhome/ (not updated)
Yes but we need the ./home's like ./faction home that isn't created self, but ready for when a player joins.

I've been pondering over multiple plugins (factions + clans) ext, but i think it might be best to stick with solely factions because "Clans" is perfect but the land claim stuff sucks, and having both could get complicated...
Sadly, it does seem like we will have to stick with "factions." I just can't figure out how we will be able to make this work, but we have to find a way. I don't think we should pass these great ideas up. I wonder if there is a ranks plugin out there...

EDIT: There are ranks plugins, but not sure that they have anything to do with factions. Here are some links just to look at em.


Pretty much the same thing... ^ http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-de...337.34614/

Sorry haven't been able to input lately family stuff comes first anyway, if it comes down to the fact we have to use factions plugins, We can structure single factions as ranks under an alliance banner and use alliance chat for co-ordination.

But why does the land claim pose an issue anyway? Also grint can you elaborate on what you mean by having differences in /home and /faction home being ready?
(01-26-2012, 10:39 PM)Krios101 Wrote: [ -> ]But why does the land claim pose an issue anyway? Also grint can you elaborate on what you mean by having differences in /home and /faction home being ready?

The claiming of land poses an issue because if you can't protect your land then really anybody can walk up to your base and break the wall... Easy raid.

And what he means by the /home or /f home is that we want players to come on and already have a home once they join a faction.
Well A it's down to how the faction creates their defences to counter their chances of being raided, and how does this clan faction differ from our current one in terms of claiming land.

And also, do you mean by having the faction as their own /home based on their rank in the faction independent from the normal /f home??
We need a plugin where everyone has the set home, not where people can ./set home where they please.
Just looked more into both of those clan plugins and "simple clans" doesn't even have a command to claim land. With "clans" claiming land is a bit odd. You have to pay a configured item/items to take that land. Other players can still place or destroy land their which really defeats the purpose of even claiming land. And if you would like to protect your land while offline you must pay another configured amount. The protection does not last long though. The opposing player can destroy the health of the protection and eventually break the protection. Land claiming for both of the plugins really sucks, but if we could find another way around that then I see this as the perfect plugin.
(01-24-2012, 11:34 PM)Jarvisd Wrote: [ -> ]No. I spent a bit advertising instead of bitching about the problem and people like purple didn't like more players. Orc also did ads etc, and we had a lot of people come peaked at around 20 and at night it went from 0 on to 10 as the low. The major problem is no one wants new players in their faction and everyone ignores new players so they just leave. The spawn camping also scares most of the people off (I have seen comments on our advertisements about this). Anyhow majority of our community can't handle pvp and they rage anytime they get raided and accuse people of hacks or 'using pearl exploit' to get in their base. We should remove chaos and make a prison server; those are more successful in both player enjoyment and monetary wise.

Perhaps Factions, with http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-se...337.39217/ and find a plugin to allow a pre-made "./home" with each advancement in rank (so "Level 3 ranked player" can access level 3 home faction home and below).

But, having factions of the same "race"/"kind" being allies has limitiations, IE, can we set build rights and chest rights for everyone in certain areas (level 1), and just for set players (level 5/top/w.e)?
Also, this http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-de...337.34614/

could work really well for promotions. Instead of people deciding when people are ready to "rank-up" we can find a way of rewarding players for there work towards their faction!
My current ideas so far. (new post as it's a big deal ;p)

4-8 Always Open factions. Either "Races"/"Named clans (eg Empire)"

Factions plugin used, all "Levels" of each faction are allied.

./f home takes the player to their current "level"s home.

A area of the spawn dedicated to each faction with information for begginers.

But for this to work properly, we need "allied factions" to be able to edit blocks in there "lower ranked" factions... Is that possible? If not we may need to think of using Factions and another plugin, or not factions at all.

But personally i think Factions is a must, due to no similar, or good ./f claim system in other plugins.

BTW, i believe we should have punishment of ban if someone joins - steals - quits.
I like it. I feel that it is the only way too. I have been searching but haven't found much...

EDIT: one problem... How will one leader manage all the sub factions...
Just got an idea. For example: I have an alt under the name 88tapeman88. Say that I am the leader of said "race." 88tapeman88 gets permissions to join any of the subfactions. Therefore if so were a leader I would be able to edit any of the subfactin land without taking frosty out of the head faction.

On my phone so may be a little unclear and bad spelling. (at school)
That's what i debated, then i realized that's a pretty bad system tbh.

With a extensive amount of help from Krios, we believe we've finally found the solution, i just need to search one more piece of information.
Chaos/anarchy is supposed to be chaos not organized with 4 factions. Races? What is this skyrim?... In reality the whole idea of a chaos idea, is like the idea of communism, it can't work. People don't like dieing, hence our complaint section being full, just because they elect to play on a chaos server does not stop the rage from your imaginary charecter dieing. Again prision server time.
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