
Full Version: Game: Ban the user above you
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Banned for not having astigmatism in 1 eye
banned for not telling us your vision
banned because you're jelly of my poor vision, its 6.75 in my left and 6.25 in my right (according to specsavers)
banned because i'm jelly of your vision
banned vision is for newbz

Hearing is where its at.
Banned for making me change the ban type
Banned for continuing to change the ban type
banned for continuing to change the ban type
banned for banning the person who changed the ban type
banned for banning the ban changer
banned for saying ban too many times
banned for not saying ban enough times.
Banned for saying for too many times for their is a limit for how many times you can say for in a thread
banned for being a goose
Banned for assuming making fun of fuegos signiture Tongue