
Full Version: Game: Ban the user above you
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Banned for breaking the wagon
Banned for not knowing what a wagon is
Banned for having your name in your signature while we all know it since it is in the postbit.
Banned for criticizing someone else's understanding of design, art and self-expression.
notbanned for banning jar
Banned for not banning nero
Nero is banned for being a hippy.
Andrew is banned for joining the forums in December.
Banned for joining forums before me.
Jarv: Banned for not understanding when someone spent 2 years in a college for graphic design.
Andrew: Banned for posting before I did.
Banned for taking a course in graphic design.
Banned for not reading my story.
Banned for trying to get me to read.
Banned for having only 1 rep
Banned for not having 1 rep.
Banned for having a copyrighted logo on your sig